Natures Menu Superfood Bar Salmon+fish With Cranberries+kelp 100g (CHTSWF)
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This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.
This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.
Please note this is a frozen product
This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.
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This product is sold in trays of 6 tins, the smaller unit price is how much one tin works out as.
This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.
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This product is sold in trays of 6 tins, the smaller unit price is how much one tin works out as.
This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.
This product comes in boxes of 12 tins, the smaller unit price is how much one tin works out as.
Please note this is a frozen product
This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.
This product is sold in trays of 6 tins, the smaller unit price is how much one tin works out as.
This product is sold in boxes of 8 pouches, the smaller unit price is how much one pouch works out as.